Religious Education
We respect each other and we nurture through:
Encouragement, enabling learning experiences, and stimulating children’s natural desire to learn about their world. Nurturing the natural awe we all feel and respecting that individuals will have their own beliefs that can provide understanding, a moral code and order. Our ethos nurtures student’s desire for further enquiry and confidence to question everything.
Our students learn to believe in themselves, our community and humanity to recognise morality, kindness and a world that gives us all hope. They learn about the similarities, shared values and mutual understanding and respect enabling us to develop learners that recognise the strength of British diversity.
Confident learners seek to discover and develop their understanding of a world that inspires wonder. Children have opportunities to grow through their progressively deeper knowledge acquisition, engaging experiencing (visits and visitors), and by having open informed and respectful discussions with their peers and conducting their own investigations.
Our learners will be able to respond to such questions with reference to the teachings and practices of religions and other belief systems, relating them to their own understanding and experience. This will help create confident, tolerant and respectful citizens in Studfall Academy and Modern Britain.
Through our approaches to Religious Education and Assembly and Worship, we aim to enhance the spiritual, moral, and cultural development of each child. This forms part of the whole ethos of the academy, which emphasises care for each other and the environment, tolerance, understanding and discipline.
In keeping with the community of which the school is a part, our approach to religion is broadly Christian in nature and we have developed close links with St. Columba’s church in Studfall Avenue. However, reference is made to other cultures and religions by using festivals, celebrations and customs from other religions to raise the child’s awareness of other faiths.
Our academy has adopted the Northamptonshire Agreed Syllabus for R.E. Through this the children are introduced to the main concepts of Christianity. Their awareness of other cultures and religions is raised through festivals and celebrations - in particular those of Judaism. Links are formed with local churches for visits and services. Children are encouraged to discuss their own beliefs and the beliefs of others, being tolerant and understanding about differences.Parents may request to withdraw their children from Religious Education and from Assembly and worship on religious grounds.