PE at Studfall Junior Academy
School ethos incorporating OFTED's 3 pillars of progression
Hello, my name is Miss Gibbons and I am the lead for PE at Studfall Junior Academy.
To ensure that we succeed…
Our PE curriculum journey offers a broad and balanced PE curriculum with all year groups that supports and promotes children's well-being. We nurture their physical development, motor competence as well as their mental development through gymnastics, swimming, traditional and non-traditional sports, outdoor and adventurous activities, multi-skills, circuit training, sports hall athletics and leadership and team building.
We appreciate the benefits of sport and physical activity for all our pupils. We teach the children healthy participation, teaching correct methods to maximise performance and minimise injury. We provide a range of activities to introduce our children to new experiences; give them opportunities to be active together; improve on individual skills; learn how to use rules, strategies and tactics to ultimately enhance these learnt skills and believe in their abilities.
Here at Studfall Junior Academy children of all abilities will take part in competitive sporting activities. The children take part in competitive tournaments against other school in Northamptonshire (see sporting calendar). At the end of some units, the skills they have acquired will be used to compete as part of a team in differentiated competitions.
Sports week
For sports week (12th June – 16th June) we invited three companies to come into school and deliver: mixed martial art training; outdoor and Adventurous activities and football skills. As well as these three amazing activities we held a bench ball competition. The day was fantastic!!!
Football skills were taught to every child in the school over 4 days.
All year groups experienced Bear Grylls OAA (outdoor and adventurous). Here the children learnt survival techniques. Included in the survival techniques was understanding that in the wild there are no sweetie shops, and they may have to eat what is available in nature! In the pictures above you can see some children eating meal worms. I was reliably informed that they taste like old popcorn! As well as eating worms, the children learnt how to make a fire using flint; how to build a waterproof shelter; how to tie knots, and finally they ran an assault course.
Mixed martial arts and the interclass bench ball competition!
More mixed martial arts and the assault course with the outdoor and adventurous crew!
Competitive Sports
Children's experiences in PE extended by entering competitive games against schools in the Corby, Oundle, Thrapston, Kettering areas. Studfall have entered eleven competitions this academic year, this follows our school ethos: Nurture, believe, discover, achieve.
Year 5/6 girls football team winning the John Wilson trophy 2023
Studfall Junior Academy took part in 'Kids of Steel'. With this event the 85 Studfall athletes swam 25 metres, ran 200 metres and cycled 400 metres.
Studfall competing in ‘County Sports’ at Corby Athletic ground 2023
To further extend, Studfall Junior Academy encourage children to join clubs outside of school. We champion their successes by showing their awards etc in assemblies and on our communication tool ‘DoJo